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Monday, January 4, 2010

New Post!

Hi! I don't really have a topic to talk about today because I have been extremely tired all day and, I have been with my boyfriend (Troy) too. I will definately have the words of the day up today.

Neurology Word of the Day: synapse - The joining between the electric currents of a neuron and another neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell.

Psychology Word of the Day: Schizophrenia - A psychiatric disorder characterized by an abnormal perception of reality and emotional conflicts.

*Definitions are originally from or They are reworded by me.

1 comment:

  1. I was worried that I had Schizophrenia until I realized that it would have been caught on my MRI or EEG.

    No idea what my problemo is! I think you'd be interested and could probably help me anyways.
    My symptoms are, over the past year and a half:
    - Audio and Visual Hallucinations (what I believe to be stress-induced, quite rarely do I get them anymore).
    - Feelings similiar to that of nerve compression on the nape of my neck (burning sensations, numbess, tingles, and sometimes it feels like paralysis. I have lost brief consciousness from it in the past - not recently, but that's the potential it holds). I've experienced this symptom probably since I was in grade 5 or 6, actually.
    - When I am walking alone I create scenerios in my head almost mindlessly. I make each person talk and engage in conversation. These are not hallucinations, but voices I am making talk inside of my head (oppose to a stage whisper in the ear). It isn't until a moment or two later that I realize that I was just speaking aloud, or making facial expressions. And it's like, if I was speaking outloud (me responding to the person in my head that I have consciously created, I do not hear myself talking until maybe the last word.
    - I get really bad "ice-pick" headaches (self-diagnosed). They jump all over, and recently I have had up to 4 or 5 a day. They can range from a dull, annoying ache to a debilitating pain that renders me. Afterward the agonizingly painful ones, I usually feel lethargic and am very "spacey".
    - Sometimes these headaches are similiar to neuralgias in the sense that they have come and the exact same pain, in the exact same spot, stabs over and over. Those are the worst.

    Not fun at all. I'm recording a headache log and am going to the doctor's again soon.
